Furnaces Articles

Why Is My Furnace Leaking Water?

January 17, 2025
Why Is My Furnace Leaking Water? Professional inspecting a vent for water or dust.

You just discovered there is a puddle of water on the floor in front of your furnace. What does this mean? Why would your furnace be leaking water?

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How Do I Know If I Have a Cracked Heat Exchanger?

January 17, 2024
Close-up of a furnace pilot light.

Your helpful neighbor suggested the issue you are having with your gas furnace sounds like it could be due to a cracked heat exchanger.

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How Does a Gas Furnace Work?

November 13, 2023
How Does a Gas Furnace Work? A father talks with his hands as he leans against the railing of his front porch with his preteen son and has a serious discussion.

A furnace is a big part of your life—whether you realize it or not. It keeps your Beaufort home warm and can help with your indoor air quality. So it is important to gain a better understanding of furnace fundamentals.

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How Do I Know When I Need a New Furnace?

February 13, 2023
Image of someone working on a furnace. How Do I Know When I Need a New Furnace?

Furnaces are not designed to last forever, so it’s helpful to know when you should be replacing it. But how exactly will you know when it’s time?

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When Should You Replace Your Furnace?

November 7, 2022
Image of someone working on a furnace. When Should You Replace Your Furnace?

Your furnace plays the key role in keeping you warm in your Beaufort home, but even with routine maintenance, it does not last forever. Nobody wants to think about replacing any major household system, but it’s generally more cost effective to be proactive in your thinking about it.

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Furnace Flue Tips

December 23, 2021
feet by warm vent.

Understanding some basics about your furnace flue can come in handy. And taking care of it—doing your part as well as through regular professional maintenance—helps keep your furnace working at high efficiency and promotes a long life span.

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How Can I Make My Furnace Last Longer?

January 26, 2021
Young married couple smiling while watching television.

In reality, the key is treating your Morehead City system with care and respect. With just a small amount of time and energy, you can ensure your furnace will live well beyond its warranty. From our team here at Four Seasons Heating & Cooling, here are four things you should do to make your furnace last longer:

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Heat Pump Versus Furnace

December 14, 2020
Homeowner adjusting temperature on thermostat.

Looking to install a new heater in your Morehead City home? Your two most popular choices are a heat pump and a furnace. Each one has advantages and disadvantages when compared to the other.

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5 Reasons to Schedule a Fall Furnace Clean and Check

October 12, 2020
A gloved hand repairing the inside of an appliance.

When you schedule your furnace clean and check regularly on an annual basis, you are preventing breakdowns. By having one of our seasoned experts inspect and clean your system, he or she can spot any impending repairs or weaknesses.

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What Are Signs I Need a New Furnace?

December 9, 2019
HVAC worker with flexible ventilation system tube in hands.

A furnace is a major investment for any Morehead City homeowner. Although it’s not something that will need to be done frequently, most people will face the decision of needing to purchase a new heating system sometime during home ownership. Our team at Four Seasons Heating & Cooling wants you to understand how your furnace…

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